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[答案] A. sensitive

[注释] sensitive敏感的(to),易受伤害的,灵敏的。sensible明智的(of),通情达理的。imaginative有想象力。impressive的给人留下印象的,感人的。

4. The lorry driver was badly _____ when his lorry crashed into a wall.

A. damaged B. hit C. hurt D. harmed

[答案] C. hurt

[注释] damage损坏;harm对.....有害;hurt(精神上或肉体上)伤害; hit打击; pain(精神上或肉体上)痛苦。

5. I caught a _____ of the car before it disappeared around the bend.

A. glance B. glimpse C. glare D. gleam

[答案] B. glimpse

[注释] catch (or get) a glimpse of瞥见(强调行为的结果)。

take a glance (or look) at看一眼(强调行为过程本身)。

6. The car salesman took the customer for a driver in the new model in order to _____ its improved features.

A. advocate B.demonstrate C.exhibit D. reveal

[答案] B. demonstrate

[注释] advocate拥护,提倡。exhibit展览,陈列。reveal揭示,暴露。

demonstrate(=show clearly by giving proof or example)(用实例,证据)证明,表演。

7. The rainbow _____ as the sun came fully out from behind the clouds.

A. dissolved B. removed C. resigned D. disappeared

[答案] D. disappeared


8. All too _____ it was time to go back to school after the glorious summer holidays.

A. often B. fast C. soon D. late

[答案] C. soon

[注释]all too实在太......,all too soon意为太快了,带有惋惜的意味,如:

1.Tom had snatched a short holiday from his work to come here.

2.He said it ended all too soon.(汤姆趁工作之暇匆匆来此渡一短假,他说,假期过得太快了。)

9. Deserts, dry areas with _____ no vegetation, cover more than one-third of the Earth's land surface.

A. surprisingly B. eventually

C. permanently D. virtually

[答案] D. virtually

[注释]virtually(=almost, very nearly; in every way that is really important)几乎,事实上,实际上;

My book is virtually finished,I have only a few changes to make in the writing.( 我的书几乎写完了,我只要在作品中再作一点修改就可以了。)


10. After dinner the minister made a short _____ to the guests.

A. delivery B.pronunciation C.conversation D. speech

[答案] D. speech

[注释]make a speech to sb.(向某人做演讲)。

make conversation with sb.(和某人闲谈conversation常与下列动词搭配:

get (enter) into conversation with(和.....攀谈起来),

have a conversation with(与.....谈话),

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