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Join Traveling Stories for a Night Out So They Can Read! On Friday, November 7th, Traveling Stories will be holding the Night out So They Can Read event at the Moniker Warehouse in San Diego’s East Village from 7pm to 10pm. Participants will be able to enjoy drinks and tasty food from a few of San Diego’s amazing restaurants!

The event, hosted by a famous author Michael Anderson, will benefit both Traveling Stories’ local and international literacy (读写) programs. Many activities will take place during the night. IDW Publishing will be hosting a Children’s Art Show, where everyone will be able to walk through the gallery and get to know the inspiring stories of all the children influenced by the Story Tent program. There will also be silent auction (拍卖) tables, as well as a fun group quiz to see who really is smarter than a 3rd grader!

Don’t miss out! This night is going to be lots of fun! It is our hope that through the Night Out So They Can Read event, Traveling Stories will be able to increase the number of children who form a habit of reading. Help us make this goal possible!

Tickets for the event are only $42 a piece until October 20th! Act fast and get the Early Bird special! Once it ends, tickets go up to $47 a piece. There are also VIP tickets available for $52 (price increases to $55 after Oct 20th)! The VIP ticket includes access to a Mixology Class presented by St. Petersburg Vodka at 6:30pm, and reserved parking in the Moniker Lot.

Please visit our TICKETS EVENT PAGE or the EVENT PAGE on TravelingStories.org in order to learn more, as well as purchase tickets!

21. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. An organization stresses the importance of reading.

B. More books for children will come out.

C. Traveling Stories will hold a reading event for children.

D. Children are called on to donate books to Traveling Stories.

22. Which of the following activities is NOT included in the event?

A. Donating books B. Taking a fun quiz

C. Attending an art show D. Enjoying delicious food

23. What’s the main goal of the event?

A. To sell books to children. B. To advertise for a new website.

C. To introduce some new programs. D. To encourage more children to read.


In my memory, my dad always encouraged me to be my best self, explore the world, and believe in those who cared and loved me, which helped to make me who I am today. Besides, I’ve grown up with a pretty good model that my father always was.

One year, my father nearly lost his life. He was twenty-seven years old then. For several months, he’d been suffering from stomach pains. My dad was a former track star, so he knew how to handle pain. Convinced it was nothing serious, he just made a face until it was over whenever it flared up. My mom and dad were visiting his parents in Englewood, New Jersey when extreme pain struck my dad again. However, that time, the pain didn’t fade away although my father tried to take control of it. Meanwhile, my dad developed a high fever. My grandparents rushed him to a nearby hospital. The doctors in the emergency room were confused about his condition. My dad’s symptoms seemed consistent with appendicitis (阑尾炎), but the pain wasn’t localized to the lower part of his stomach, where the appendix (阑尾) is located. While they were debating what to do, a 33-year-old surgeon named Dr. Ibrahim, spoke up. “It must be an appendix.” Dr. Ibrahim guessed it was a rare condition and insisted that my dad should receive an operation immediately, although others were against his decision.

Dr. Ibrahim turned out to be very correct. My dad was wheeled into surgery and his appendix was removed just before it could burst and cause a deadly infection. At last, he got rid of danger.

What if my father hadn’t been in Englewood that day? What if young Dr. Ibrahim hadn’t been there to point out what the older and more experienced doctors hadn’t considered? He was in the right place at the right time, and it saved his life. Now I am a father of two children. Like my father I will never forget Dr. Ibrahim.

24. What can we know about the author’s father?

A. He set a good example for the author.

B. He was in poor health in his younger days.

C. He seldom helped the author overcome troubles.

D. He liked to learn from others to improve himself.

25. Why did the author mention that his father was a former sports star?

A. To show off his father’s achievements.

B. To prove his father’s strong will power.

C. To explain why his father always suffered pains.

D. To emphasize the importance of taking exercise.

26. Which can best replace the underlined phrase “flared up” in Paragraph 2?

A. slid quickly B. stayed for a while

C. disappeared gradually D. broke out suddenly

27. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. A terrible family travel experience.

B. The determination of the author’s father.

C. A timely operation on the author’s father.

D. The importance of learning from experience.

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