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50. A. tried B. sold C. returned D. mixed

51. A. unnecessary B. uncertain C. unwise D. unusual

52. A. appearance B.quality C. origin D. price

53.A. size B. shape C. color D. taste

54. A. smell B. look C. become D. work

55. A. happy B. vivid C. short D. vague

56. A. clean B. check C. count D. pack

57. A perfect B. useful C. convenient D. familiar

58. A. on view B. on sale C. in season D. in need

59. A. finished B. stored C. found D. grown

60. A. cooked B. given C. bought D. told

第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5 分,满分15 分)


For thousands of years, people have told fables(寓言)___61___(teach) a lesson or topass on widdom. Fables were part of the oral tradition of many eraly cultures , and the well-known Aesop's fables datetothe___62___(six) century,B.C.Yet,the form of the fable still has values today,___63___Rachel Carson says ir in "A Fable for Tomorrow."

Carson uses a simple, direct style common to fble. In fact, her style and tone(口吻)are seemingly directed at children."There was once a town in the heart of America.___64___all life scmed to enjoy peceful c-cistece with is suoundins," her fable begins, ___65___(borow) some fmilar words from many age -old fables. Behind the simple style, however,is a serious message.___66___(intend) for everyone.

___67___ (difference) from traditional fables, Carson’s story ends with an accusation instead of a moral. She warns of the environmental dangers facing society, and she teaches that people must take responsibility ___68___ saving their environment.

The themes of taditional fables often deal with simple truths about everyday life. However, Cason’s theme is a more weighty ___69___ (warn) about environmental destruction. Carson proves that a simple lyric form that has been passed down through the ages can still ____70____ (employ) today to draw attention to important truths.


第一节短文改错(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10 分)







I used to afrid of insects,but last Friday's biology class make a big changein me. In that class, Miss Zhao,our biology teacher, showed we insects on stamps. The bees,butterfly and many other insects looked lovely and beautifully on thestamps. Miss Zhao told us the names of the insects or described their living habits. She even played some recordings of their singing,what was fun.Now,I've cometo love those of small living things. In the evening,when I take the walk in theschool garden,the singing of insects become more meaningful to me.








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