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(mobile phone)

Before No



1-5 ABBBB 6-10 CBCBA 11-15BCAAB 16-20CCACB


21-25CDDAA 26-30 BBAAC 31-35 DBACB 36-40CBDAB 41-45CDACA

46-50DACAC 51-55BDDBB


56-59 BACB 60-64 BDAAD 65-67 DCB 68-71 DACA 72-75 BCBC



76 whether 77 were 78 even 79 what 80 advice 81while 82 if 83 sense

84 hate 85part-time




People used to communicate with each other through letters and public phones. But nowadays they use mobile phones and the Internet instead. This change in communication has good effects on our life and work. Compared with letters and public phones, mobile phones and the Internet are faster and much more convenient. If yomiss your grandmother, yojust take out your phone and say "hello" to her. If yowant to place an order with a foreign company, yocan e-mail the message, It'll be a matter of minutes before yoget their reply. Aren't we living in a smaller world? (101words)


More and more people rely on e-mail and mobile phones for communication rather than letters and public phones because the new tools seem faster and make work more efficient. However this change has bad as well as good effects, especially dependence on the Internet. Firstly, as we lack enough practice, we are losing the beauty of hand-written Chinese words which express the writer better while machine words all have the same looks., Secondly, our spelling becomes worse if we rely on the machine too much. Last but not least, the PC screen does harm to our eyes. I prefer the old way of communication even though it is much too slow in the eyes of many.(116words)


Text 1

M: I'm tired from all this shopping. I had to fight through the crowds.

W: It's always terrible around Christmas. It's like a continual rush hour.

Text 2

M: Will Mr. Black be able to see me at 9:15 tomorrow morning?

W: Sorry, but he's fully booked till eleven.

M: Would ten to one be convenient?

W: Yes, he's free then.

Text 3

M: I’m still waiting for the clerk to come back and make some copies of this paper for


W: Why trouble him? I’ll show yohow easy it is to work the machine.

Text 4

M: I used to love this restaurant. For years, they had the best Italian food in town.

W: I agree. It was one of my favorites too until they hired a new chief and changed.

Text 5

W: Is it raining outside, Bob?

M: Is it raining? Can't yosee that I'm almost wet to the skin?

Text 6

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