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Whenever something upsetting happened to me during my teen years, my mother always said, “Get a good night’s sleep. Things will look better next morning.”

Mother repeated her words when, in my early twenties, I was 41 by the library school I had set all my hopes on. What 42 advice, I thought. How was sleeping going to take my 43 go away?

That night, I was 44 and cried myself to sleep. I decided to ask for a better one, so the next morning, I called a more 45 school. Having failed to get into the first school, I thought I had 46 to lose. Finally, the better school 47 me.

My mother died soon after I received my graduate degree. Then, I got a library job I loved. 48 I threw myself into my career 150 percent, my boss hated me from the day when I was 49 . One evening I came home ill. I just couldn’t stand the 50 anymore. I was in 51 and frustration. That night, as I cried myself to sleep, I 52 my mother’s words—more for comfort than for deep understanding.

The next morning I woke realizing I had other 53 . That day, I gave up the job and worked as a teacher in an elementary school. My career as a children’s librarian inspired my 54 in writing picture books. 55 , without the stress of my former job, story ideas crowded in on me. I’ve 56 my stories to children’s magazines, awaiting publication, and I continue to write.

After so many years I have finally come to understand the 57 of my mother’s words. Sleep doesn’t make troubles 58 , but it does help emotions settle. Sleep gives the subconscious (潜意识的) mind time to 59 possible ways to solve problems. I now repeat my mother’s 60 to myself whenever I face new challenges.

41. A. refused B. welcomed C. admitted D. chosen

42. A. common B. valuable C. crazy D. clever

43. A. hope B. joy C. fortune D. problem

44. A. excited B. sad C. delighted D. encouraged

45. A. modern B. expensive C. famous D. common

46. A. something B. everything C. anything? D. nothing

47. A. accepted B. interviewed C. ignored D. banned

48. A. Since B. Although C. If D. Once

49. A. refused B. fined C. employed D. helped

50. A. stress B. task C. food? D. medicine

51. A. doubt B. silence C. surprise D. pain

52. A. forgot B. shared C. repeated D. understood

53. A. discoveries B. choices C. friends D. difficulties

54. A. success B. reputation C. experience D. interest

55. A. Gradually B. Particularly C. Generally D. Unfortunately

56. A. passed B. suggested C. sold D. published

57. A. request B. wisdom C. aim D. hope

58. A. recover B. exist C. arise D. disappear

59. A. find B. pick C. realize? D. change

60. A. choice B. advice C. habit? D. action



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第三部分 英语知识运用



Growing plants indoors has always been taken up as a popular hobby. They can make your home more 61 (cheer) and enjoyable. People are keen on the beautiful plants 62 (call) succulents(多肉植物)and the trend is speeding 63 (it) way into homes and gardens everywhere. Now everyone has suddenly grown a “green thumb”.

The word “succulent” is from the Latin word “sucus” 64 means juice. Succulents store water in their leaves or roots. They come in 65 wide variety of styles, sizes and colors. With cute fat appearance they 66 (describe) as having an “eye-catching appeal”. From watering to other details, successfully keeping an indoor plant 67 (seem) to be a troublesome affair. But succulents turn it 68 fun and easy experience. These fleshy plants do not require much care and can 69 (easy) survive and grow. Normally, allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Too much water will cause root rot.

Their low-water, low-maintenance requirements provide many 70 (benefit) for indoor gardeners and make them appeal to people on the go. Anyone can keep them alive and healthy. Why not let these green plants decorate your room, clean the air and accompany you?

第四部分 写作 (共两小节,满分35分)





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