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Since its launch,three million nights have been booked through the platform,which currently

lists over 40,000 properties.The company has now employed 132 employees.Revenues grew four—fold in 2016 compared to the previous year.But it hasn’t been all plain—sailing for the three entre—preneurs·

24.We can learn that Miguel Amaro comes from____________

A.Portugal B.the Netherlands C.the U.K. D.Argentina

25.What is the possible relationship among the three people?

A.Classmates. B.Roommates. C.Competitors. D.Partners.

26.The website Uniplaces is intended to________

A.find accommodation for students B.rent rooms for tourism visitors

C.sell properties for the landlords D.evaluate properties for residents

27.Which of the following is most likely to be talked about after the last paragraph?

A.Tendencies of the online accommodation industry.

B.Advantages of making full use of the Internet.

C.Obstacles in the course of starting the business.

D.The development of the company in the future.


While the world is still debating the safety of self—driving Cars,Dubai,in the United Arab

Emirates(UAE),is preparing to launch autonomous aerial(空中的)taxi.Starting in July,passengers will be able to take the world’S first passenger drone,the EHang 184,to transport them to their desired destination without having to deal with Dubai’S crowded freeways.

The pilot—less drone weighs 440 pounds and Can fly at heights of up to 11,500 feet.Powered

by eight propellers,the four—legged,egg—shaped vehicle has room for a single passenger weighing up to 220 pounds and a small suitcase.The aerial taxi can reach speeds of up to 100 mph.

Riders can ask for the flying taxi to pick them up from designated zones using the company’s

smart—phone app.When the drone arrives,he/she straps into the seat,selects one of the pre—pro—grammed destinations on the touchscreen,and sits back and enjoys the flight.To ensure the passenger’s safety,all flights are monitored remotely by a control room on the ground.

In the unlikely event that any of the components malfunction,the EHang 184 will make an

emergency landing in the closest possible area to ensure the customer’s safety.The drone is also

programmed to conduct complex calculations to ensure its route won’t collide with that of another

drone.While having no control over the remotely piloted vehicle may appear scary,the manufacturer,China—based EHang,says,“It is the safest,smartest and eco—friendly low altitude autonomous aerial vehicle.”The only drawback? The EHang 184 has a flight range of just 31 miles,which means that those with longer commutes(通勤)are out of luck.Also unknown,is the cost of each fide.

Though the aerial taxi is radical,it is not the first driver—less transportation option available to

Dubai’s residents.As part of its goal to have 25%of public transit be automated by 2030,the authorities have built the world’s first driver—less subway and introduced the world’s first self—

navigating shuttles to transport visitors and residents in downtown Dubai.

28.What do yolearn about the EHang 1847

A.It looks like a typical plane in appearance

B.It is powered by four powerful propellers.

C.It can carry only one passenger at a time

D.It can travel at the speed of up to 100 kph.

29.The underlined word“malfunction”in the fourth paragraph means“________”

A.go wrong B.get stuck C.become worn D.stay normal

30.According to the passage,which of the following is one of the disadvantages of the EHang 1847?

A.The high ride cost. B.A smaller flight range.

C.A shorter battery life. D.Unknown safety concern

31.What words can be used to best describe Dubai in terms of autonomous transportation?

A.A navigator. B.A follower. C.A victim. D.A pioneer

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