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full attention. 37 When yowant to retain what you’re reading,make sure that yohave

enough time distributed.

◆Separate the important details from the unimportant details.Unless you’re reading a very

dense(密集的)article,you’ll likely encounter a lot of words and phrases that aren’t very important.


◆Pause every once in a while to take in what you’re reading.Instead of reading the article

straight through from beginning to end,pause for a while to think back on what you’ve just read.In particular,yoshould pause and reflect when you’ve just read all important passage that yoknow you’ll want to retain. 39

◆Take notes as yoread.When reading all article,taking notes might seem like a strange

thing to do 40 You’ll be reinforcing the concepts a second time.This aids extremely with

retention and memory.

A.Read when yoare available.

B.Read when yoare absorbed.

C.Details will enter your mind but will not be committed to memory

D.However,writing down information uses a different area of your brain than reading does.

E.Skim through your reading and focus on the parts that are interesting or important

F.By reading the material a second time,you’ll know exactly what to expect and what to focus on.

G.By reflecting,you’re essentially taking in the information twice,and that helps to commit it to






I was standing at the corner of 66th and Broadway,waiting to cross.A woman 41 from my

right,pushing a baby—car.I watched the mother push it into the busy street,and I 42 ,“Oh,

no,she’s going to get hit.” 43 before reaching out to her,I 44 for five seconds.

In my mind,I could see the woman losing hold of the baby—car, 45 the child falling from

it.I also could feel the 46 of not knowing what to do,what to say.

“What are yodoing?”a man shouted.His 47 brought me back to 48 the man had

come out of nowhere,and pulled her 49 just in time to 50 the speeding taxi. The woman

was 51 .as she had been unaware of her near death.The man glared at her.Was he 52 that

the woman seemed so absent—minded? Was he unhappy that she did not even 53 him? He

merely grumbled(发牢骚) under his breath.And the woman just 54 from her savior after

pulling her arm loose.

I,the silent stranger,who saw everything,just stood there and did 55 .And the 56

came to me;Why did I wait for five seconds? Why didn’t I do anything 57_? But then I realized

that I was 58 .What if I had pulled her back but she was going to stop anyway? What if she got

annoyed by my action?

Hours later.1 was in the subway and looked around, 59 empty seats between people,and

all those who chose to stand 60 sit next to strangers.I felt the dead silence in the subway car,

screaming.“Yoleave me alone and I’11 leave yoalone.”

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