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41.A.returned B.approached C.1eft D.turned

42.A.thought B.stopped C.forgot D.remembered

43.A.so B.Or C.Yet D.For

44.A.hid B.checked C.reviewed D.paused

45.A.but B.and C.while D.nor

46.A.horror B.joy C.surprise D.excitement

47.A.voice B.name C.gesture D.identity

48.A.health B.reality C.dream D.work

49.A.away B.on C.back D.in

50.A.call B.catch C.create D.avoid

51.A.angry B.tired C.active D.shocked

52.A.shy B.excited C.annoyed D.calm

53.A.support B.thank C.encourage D.believe

54.A.moved away B.put away C.took away D.threw away

55.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing

56.A.attention B.invitation C.question D.information

57.A.immediately B.fortunately C.surprisingly D.angrily

58.A.sad B.disappointed C.afraid D.satisfied

59.A.showing B.noticing C.saying D.finding

60.A.aside form B.other than C.better than D.rather than







Last summer,61._______most Chinese college students were dazzled by 62._______

(choose)of holiday plans,Wang Chaodi jumped into one of the hottest travel trends,“voluntour-

ism”for an unconventional holiday.“Voluntourism”,also known as volunteer tourism,

63._____(combine)volunteer work with travel.Now,it is becoming a global phenomenon and

gaining popularity among young Chinese,especially college students.

The Yunnan University junior spent three weeks studying African culture while 64._____

(participate)in community service in Nairobi,Kenya.“I’d like to go to the 65._________(far)

end of the Earth to help those who 66.______(be)most in need,”said the 22一year—old law


67.______weekdays,he taught elementary courses at a poor inner—city orphanage—a

300一square—meter space 68._________(pack)with houses,a feedlot(饲育场)and a ragged

teaching shed一69.______“skinny students”,as Wang described,had only a single outdated

textbook to study from.During weekends,Wang went on a safari to tourist sites by 70._____

(he),including Masai Mara National Reserve and Amboseli Park,and he could observe exotic

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