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53. A. achieved B. experienced C. discovered D. shared

54. A. experiences B. forms C. connections D. cycles

55. A. desire B. promise C. courage D. chance

56. A. authentic B. complex C. cheerful D. lonely

57. A. Besides B. Despite C. Beyond D. Except

58. A. know B. tell C. drag D. tear

59. A. sorrow B. relief C. excitement D. silence

60. A. keep up with B. come up with C. make up for D. watch out for




第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


The news “addition to the family” is a matter of celebration, but that isn’t the case for some ____61____(family) in China who find an unexpected trouble. That is the reaction of Little Emperors or Little Empresses who don’t want to share “their” parents ____62____ a baby brother or sister. They declare: “I’m the only...and final!”

One girl in Wuhan ____63_____(learn) that Mom was pregnant again and threatened to kill ____64_____. Her parents took the threat ____65______(serious) and so the mother had an abortion.

The strong reactions by those who ____66____(bear) first are not unusual. They don’t like the change, ____67____ may ruin all the family relationships. However, children are good at adapting and most soon accept the “new normal”. Parents can make this adapting easier by 68. ________(inform) the first child ahead of the ____69____(arrive) of the new baby. Having one more brother or sister is wonderful. It’s ____70_____(close) than any friendship yocould hope to have.

第四部分 写作(共两节 满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)







Dear John,

Thank yovery much for your invitations to dinner in your home tomorrow evening. It’s been a long time since that we last met. Unfortunate, it is much to my regret that I cannot join you. I will be fully occupying in preparing for an importance lecture coming the day after tomorrow. I feel terribly sorry for missing chance for a get-together, and I hope that you’ll have a good time with me. Maybe yoand me can meet sometime next weekend. If so, please calling me when yoget this letter. I think it was great to have a long chat with you.

Sorry again.



第二节 书面表达

假定你是中学生李华,最近从莆田新闻网上得知第25届世界技能锦标赛(the 25th World Skills Championship)将在莆田举行。请你用英文写封电子邮件向组委会申请加入志愿者队伍,内容主要包括:

1. 身体状况(年龄、身高……);

2. 兴趣爱好(摄影、踢足球……);

3. 英文程度;

4. 目的和意义。





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