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M: I hope your parents make sure yostay in touch with them.Yoshould also have a family reunion every year.That way,yowill be able to get to know your distant relatives.

W: That would be awesome,(13) but I don’t think we’ve ever had one.It makes me happy just thinking about it.(13) How often do yosee your family?

M: Almost every day.

W: Wow,I feel like I should do that.

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W: So,um,what do yodo for a living?

M: Well,I’m a software developer.(14)

W: Oh,what do yodo exactly in your job? (14)

M: Well,um,most of the time,I develop educational software for schools.And at the moment,I’m working on several educational apps for…yoknow,smart phones.(14)

W: Oh,that’s great.

M: Yeah,it’s a really good job.So,how about yourself?

W: Well,actually,I’m a high school history teacher.

M: Wow! Actually,I’ve created three apps about world history that yomight be interested in.

W: Seriously?

M: Yeah.

W: Oh,that sounds great.I’d love to see them.By the way,we’re having a barbecue at our place this Friday.Why don’t yocome over with your family and get to know some of the other neighbors? (16)

M: Well,let me talk to my wife,but yoknow,we have five kids.(15)

W: Seriously? Five kids? Wow.

M: Yes,so they might eat all your food!

W: Well,that’s no problem.I think it’ll be fun.

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Maria Bamford is an American comedian and actress.She was born in 1970 in California,but she grew up in Minnesota.Her father was a Navy doctor.She attended the University of Minnesota,where she received a degree in Creative Writing.She first began to do stand-up comedy when she was nineteen.Most of her comedy centers around mental health.(17) Bamford has been in many movies and TV shows,and has also voiced characters in cartoons.She voiced many of the characters in the show Adventure Time,and was the voice of Shriek in the cartoon CatDog.She starred in a documentary titled The Comedians of Comedy.

In 2012,she recorded her own show called The Special Special Special and put it up on the Internet for her fans.(18) In 2013,she created the web series Ask My Mom,in which she plays both herself and her mother.She acted in season four of the TV show Arrested Development in 2013,(19) and she was also in season three of Louis CK’s TV show Louie,which aired in 2014.And in 2016,she starred in Lady Dynamite,a show based on her own life.It is available only on Netflix.(20)

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