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According to Vasquez,the black sharks belong to the lantern shark family.Though each species has its own unique features,they all share one feature—the ability to glow in the dark.

Though there are over 40 known species of lantern sharks swimming in our oceans,they manage to keep a low profile because of their small size and tendency to stay in deep waters. Vasquez says the new species features tiny photospheres(发光点)that glow throughout its body.The black sharks have other distinguishing 1antern shark features like spines on their fins as well as a different set of teeth on each jaw.

The researchers said that once it was proved that this was a new species they had come up with two names.They settled on a name as an honor to Peter Benchley,the now dead author of the classic book and movie“Jaws.”To come with a more fun common name,Vasquez decided to consult her four young cousins.After some thought,the group that ranged from 8 to 15 suggested the fish be called“Super Ninja Shark.”The researchers named it Ninja! It was the perfect name for the fish whose uniform black skin and fine photospheres make it nearly invisible in the deep dark oceans.

28.Who proved the black shark a new species?

A.Douglas Long. B.The researchers.

C.Victoria Vasquez. D.Peter Benchley.

29.According to the text,black sharks____________.

A.are of large size

B.can glow all over the body

C.tend to stay in shallow waters

D.have a similar set of teeth on each jaw

30.Why did the researchers name the new species Ninja?

A.To honor Peter Benchley.

B.To please the young people.

C.To protect the sea species.

D.To show its invisible feature perfectly.

31.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.A new species of lantern sharks.

B.The unique ability of sharks.

C.Mysterious underwater sharks.

D.New names for a black shark.


According to a report by the United Nations,54 percent of the world’s population lives in urban areas and it predicts that by 2050,this figure will have increased to around 70 percent.But as more and more people migrate from the countryside to the city to get better opportunities,they can end up with nowhere to live.

This is true in places such as Rio de Janeiro,where migrants can’t rent or buy a home,and they end up building their own communities and houses on unoccupied land.These are called shanty towns—poor communities where the houses are built out of cheap materials—and often don’t have any electricity or water supply.

These are,of course,not the megacities(大城市)of the future we want to see.Some serious urban planning is needed to make our cities of the future good,safe and modern places to live in.This involves improving the infrastructure(基础设施),the housing conditions and also the opportunities for education and employment.

Something urban planners are looking at now is the creation of“smart cities”.According to John Rossant,founder and chairman of the non-profit organization New Cities Foundation,technology is the way forward.He thinks that it's generally accepted that“cloud computing, ubiquitous internet,robust 5G networks etc,will transform our cities.”He says technology is really“a game changer”,in urbanisation.It would collect large amounts of data about how a city is performing and may improve how a city functions.

This may sound like a utopian(乌托邦似的)view.For now,some big cities around the world are trying out more low—tech schemes to try and make them desirable places to live and work in.Building shared—ownership housing and improving public transport are some ways. And encouraging cycling and building bike lanes can keep the population healthy and cut down on smog.What would make your city a better place to live in?

32.What’s the text mainly about?

A.The city of the future. B.The increase of the population.

C.Urban construction. D.The function of smart cities.

33.Why does the author mention Rio de Janeiro in Paragraph 2?

A.To show the growth of the world population.

B.To show the problems in urbanization.

C.To show poor living conditions of the city.

D.To show financial trouble of the city.

34.What plays an important role in the creation of smart cities?

A.Technology. B.Urban planning.

C.The infrastructure of the city. D.Opportunities for education.

35.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A.High-tech plans can be easily realized.

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