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B.Public transport is well developed in cities.

C.Shared-ownership houses make no sense.

D.Ways of low-tech are available at present.


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。

Smog is a health concern in many areas,such as China’s capital.Beijing started the New Year with heavy smog hanging over the city.The skies seemed darker than usual,resulting from the thick clouds mixing with smoke and air pollution.Beijing residents were forced to wear protection from the heavy smog when traveling. 36 Masks help keep them from breathing the small pieces of unhealthy particulates floating in the air.But China’s capital is not alone.Heavy smog has forced more than 60 cities to declare health alerts so far this year.

37 The smog has led to delays of airline flights,problems involving shipping and port operations,and school closings in the north and center of the country.In early January,more than 2,000 people were forced to stay on a cruise ship for two days because of smog.

The environmentalists say the smog is coming from coal-burning factories and power stations.Both the large industrial plants and small stoves are responsible for China’s air pollution.Coal-burning power plants in both China and the United States are responsible for about 40 percent of the world’s carbon emissions. 38

In December 2016,the Chinese government released new,five-year targets for cutting its huge coal production. 39 Chinese officials are trying to restrict the use of coal in the very cold,northern parts of the country.Recently,the government announced plans to establish a new police force.Its officers will deal with environmental crimes as part of efforts to clean up the air and punish repeat polluters.The government has invested billions in clean energy.40

A.Many families have bought air cleaners.

B.The smog has resulted in many serious problems.

C.Many people wore a mask to cover their nose and mouth.

D.The plan is to reduce the coal production capacity.

E.One way to solve smog is increasing the regulation of automobiles.

F.The investment will cut back on the need for imported oil and gas,as well as coal.

G.Studies have linked the emissions to rising temperatures in Earth’s atmosphere.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Though Dad looked tired and weak,his smile was as sure as ever.It was another 41 of pneumonia(肺炎).My husband and I stayed with him for the 42 but had to return to our jobs by Monday morning.Local relatives would see that Dad was home from the hospital,and they would visit him 43 ,prepare his meals and take him to his doctor appointments.But I 44 to be able to let him know that we 45 ,too,even when we weren’t with him.

Then I remembered a family 46 I started when our children were small.When leaving their grandparents’home after a visit,each child would 47 a love note in the house for them to 48 after we were gone.They hid notes somewhere.For days after our 49 ,their grandparents would 50 as they discovered these reminders of our love.

So as I 51 Dad’s rooms,I began writing notes.Some were 52 .“Dad,I put the milk in the fridge so it wouldn’t 53 .”Some expressed my love.“Dad,I hope yosleep well in your new bed.”Most notes were 54 where he would lived for several weeks until he regained 55 ,but one note I hid upstairs under his pillow.“Dad,if yohave found this note,yomust be feeling better.We are so 56 !”

While others cared for Dad’s daily 57 ,we,of course,would stay in touch by phone.But our notes were a 58 reminder of our love and concern for him during this recovery period.Just like his medicines improved him physically,these“ 59 vitamins”(维生素)would improve his spiritual health.Several weeks later,Dad phoned and said,“I’ll tell yothat I just found your 60 under my upstairs pillow!”I smiled at last.

41.A.experience B.attack C.disaster D.pain

42.A.weekday B.night C.weekend D.holiday

43.A.regularly B.rarely C.suddenly D.occasionally

44.A.happened B.dreamed C.agreed D.1onged

45.A.feared B.cared C.calmed D.regretted

46.A.hobby B.game C.tradition D.business

47.A.hide B.write C.copy D.1eave

48.A.recall B.remember C.enjoy D.find

49.A.exchange B.departure C.arrival D.escape

50.A.weep B.sigh C.smile D.scream

51.A.tidied B.entered C.designed D.equipped

52.A.brief B.serious C.sincere D.practical

53.A.spill B.spoil C.boil D.freeze

54.A.upstairs B.downstairs C.outside D.indoors

55.A.sense B.wealth C.strength D.consciousness

56.A.glad B.fortunate C.anxious D.busy

57.A.exercises B.needs C.feelings D.sufferings

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