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A.Louis. B.James. C.Mary.

12.What animals did the woman live with almost every day?

A.Zebras. B.Giraffes. C.Chimpanzees.


13.How does the woman look now?

A.Tired. B.Upset. C.Excited.

14.What does the woman think of Linda?

A.Intelligent and pretty. B.Popular and lovely. C.Hard-working and smart.

15.What's the weather probably like now?

A.Cloudy. B.Sunny. C.Rainy.

16.What will the man probably do next?

A.Go to the library. B.Go to the dormitory. C.Go to the teaching building.


17.How long will the drawing course last?

A.30 hours. B.33 hours. C.60 hours.

18.What classes are offered on Tuesdays?

A.Drawing and painting. B.Drawing and sculpture. C.Painting and sculpture.

19.What can students do if they can't remember the times of the classes?

A.Ask the students who took the courses last year.

B.Turn to the information pack.

C.Get in touch with Jenny Sands.

20.What does the speaker remind students to do?

A.Return the registration form on time. B.Help the teacher with the equipment. C.Prepare for the exhibition.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Snowiest Destinations: Greenland

This frosty getaway is a wonderland like no other.Have yoheard the tale that Viking explorers named Iceland and Greenland in order to discourage others from the former so they could keep the discovery of a relatively temperate land-the Iceland-to themselves?Whether the legend is true or not,the difference in climate is-while Iceland offers many wintry activities,Greenland is the place for true ice-and-snow adventures,like a three-day,160-kn,Arctic Circle Race for skiers;hunting by dog sledge;ice fishing in a bay;or a camping trip to the Greenland ice cap,the word's second-largest body of ice.

Snowiest Destinations: Siberia

Even to Canadians,a snowy destination like Russia creates images of endless winter and deep snows.Visit the Russia House tourist centre near Novosibirsk in Siberia to experience a classic Russian winter.Stay in wooden houses,take troika (horse carriage) rides,enjoy traditional Russian cuisine and experience the ban-ya,the Russian- style sauna,complete with a dunk in an ice hole to refresh the senses.

Snowiest Destinations: Sapporo

This wintertime haven calls itself "blessed by snow" and it's no wonder-with an average annual snowfall of 630cm (248 inches),you'd have to find a way to love it.Visit during the February Snow Festival to view snow and ice sculptures and play snow games;the city's White Illumination(照明)brightens dark winter nights with an artistic light display around such themes as Christmas and the starry skies.

21.Why did the Viking explorers named Iceland according to the tale?

A.Because Iceland is really full of ice and snow. B.Because Iceland is really full of green plants.

C.Because Vikings wanted to make it a secret. D.Because Vikings discovered it secretly.

22.Where will true ice-and-snow adventurers choose to go?

A.Iceland. B.Greenland. C.Siberia. D.Sapporo.

23.Where can travelers experience typical Russian winter activities?

A.Iceland. B.Whistler. C.Siberia. D.Sapporo.

24.Why does Sapporo call itself "blessed by snow"?

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