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47.A.polite B.grateful C.elegant D.successful

48.A.wisdom B.knowledge C.regret D.competence

49.A.unlikely B.necessary C.impossible D.indifferent

50.A.until B.so long as C.unless D.as often as

51.A.sincerely B.fiercely C.happily D.bravely

52.A.argue B.complain C.bother D.worry

53.A.success B.quarrel C.fall D.delay

54.A.journey B.hardship C.deadline D.mirror

55.A.life B.your friends C.parents D.the world

56.A.something B.everything C.nothing D.nobody

57.A.surely B.eventually C.gradually D.desperately

58.A.counter B.fail C.bother D.abandon

59.A.whenever B.wherever C.however D.whether

60.A.forces B.powers C.shortcomings D.advantages第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


When my family moved to America in 2010 from a small village in Guangdong,China,we brought our village rules,customs and culture.One of the_61_(rule)is that young people should always respect elders._62_(luck),this rule led to my very first_63_(embarrass) in the United States.

I had a part-time job in a Chinese restaurant,_64_I worked as a waiter.Once,when I was serving food to a middle-aged couple,the wife asked_65_(I) how the food could be served so quickly.I told her that I had made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect_66_elderly.As soon as I said that,she didn't look happy at all. My manager,who happened_67_(hear) what I said,took me aside and told me Americans dislike the description "old". I then walked back to the table and apologized_68_the wife.

After that,I changed the way I_69_(be) with older people.It is not that I don't respect them any more;I still respect them,_70_now I don't show my feelings through words.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)







I am a middle school student.I am writing to express my dissatisfaction and disappointment about the unpleasant experience when I bought some books from Internet the other day.

The reason of my dissatisfaction and disappointment is that the books I buy online were beyond my expectation. In the first place,they are poor printed.In addition to,some books are slightly damaged and even some pages are missing.Needless to say,the price of some books are even h18her than those in our local Xinhua Bookstores.

To solve these problem,I am writing this letter to you,hoped that my letter will arouse the attention of the public through the media.I am fully confident what they will improve their service with the supervision of the public opinion.

第二节 书面表达(共1题,满分25分)


1.因故取消原因; 2.将来游学安排; 3.表达歉意。

注意:1.词数100左右; 2.短文中不能出现本人相关信息; 3.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mr.Smith,

I am writing to tell yoan important change

Your sincerely,

Li Hua


1-5 ABCBA 6-10 CAACA 11-15 BCBBA 16-20 CBCBA

21-25 CBCAD 26-30 BCABD 31-35 ABCAC 36-40 BFEGA

41-45 BCADC 46-50 ABACB 51-55 DBCDA 56-60 BABAC

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