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C. testing on humans instead of on animals D. crafting and packing their products by hand

61. In the section Naked!, LUSH claims that they______.

A. advocate recyclable or even no packaging B. sell cosmetics without any wrapping paper

C. have invented some refillable cosmetics D. have improved ways of transporting products

62. What is LLSH’s business philosophy we can find from the leaflet?

A. The market image of a company should make way for its beliefs.

B. Cosmetics are among the essentials of our lives in modern society.

C. Homegrown vegetables and fruit are natural and reliable sources of cosmetics.

D. Social responsibilities of a company can go hand in hand with profit making.


Since quitting can start feelings such as guilt and shame, we often do everything possible to avoid it, “We're taught from our earliest days that if yoquit something, it means you're a failure," says the psychologist Will Meek. He, however, suggests we view quitting differently.

Quitting is like deciding to rearrange a room: you’ve grown comfortable with the status, and it can be hard to picture the end result or even see why change is necessary. And yet, there's the upsetting feeling that you’re no longer entirely satisfied with your current circumstances, perhaps even that you’ve stopped making progress. While it's not out of the question for feelings of regret to surface after a major refit, leaving a position, project or situation can reveal exciting possibilities, making yofeel inspired and renewed.

Quitting, often happens in situations where we're unhappy, fearful or have determined we have no other choice, factors that can have ill effects on our health. Perhaps yofind your work unfulfilling, or you've jumped into a new relationship before you're ready--and, as a result, you're operating under intense pressure. “If stress is enduring and not managed well, it can start to take a toll,” says Meek. According to the American Psychological Association, long-term, ongoing stress can increase the risk for high blood pressure and heart attack so walking away from whatever is causing it can deliver significant physical and emotional health benefits. “We often see a reduction in the stress hormone cortisol(应激激素皮质醇)”, which can lower blood pressure and may even decrease the heart rate,” says Dr Alex Lickerman, a GP and expert on developing mental adaptability.

Leaving situations that fail to bring yojoy can leave yowith sufficient time to explore where your heart is truly leading you. In a study that was published in 1999, then Harvard University professor Hermina Ibarra looked at how bankers tried different roles that required new skill sets--someone who spent a lot of time dealing with computers, for instance, was asked to take on personal interactions. Subjects(研究对象) were especially drawn to acting out a version of their future selves through ‘imitation strategies’ -- an approach they compared to ‘trying on different clothes.’ Mark Franklin, the president of CareerCycles, suggests a similar approach as a way to figure out what your true desires might be in your post-quitting life and foresee your future self. “Pretend to be a certain kind of person, or go and meet others who are doing what yowant to do,” he says. “Try it on, see how it feels and decide if it's a good fit for you.” It may not feel like it at the time, but just moving on from a situation that's not quite right can help yoget back on track.

63. It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that quitting may brim us feelings of being both ________.

A. guilty and ashamed B. stupid and enthusiastic

C. troubled and hopeful D. inspired and determined

64. The phrase “take a toll” (paragraph 3) can be best replaced by “________”.

A. developmental adaptability B. bring about changes

C. keep up the pressure D. have a bad effect

65. An approach suggested by Mark Franklin similar to ‘trying on different clothes’ is for________.

A. helping people find what truly suits them in career

B. telling capable employees from inadequate ones

C. training employees to acquire different working skills

D. providing people with opportunities to have a role play

66. It can be concluded from the passage that________.

A. quitting is a track that only the timid will choose to follow

B. personal interaction can be a must for reducing emotional pressure

C. mental adaptability can be improved by the stress hormone cortisol

D. knowing when to stop is wise and may make dreams happen

Section C

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than yoneed.

A. Scientists use indirect methods to discover exoplanets.

B. Most exoplanets are very different from the ones in our solar system.

C. As the star moves unsteadily, it changes the wavelength of the light we see.

D. Astronomers have detected signals indicating the presence of a planet.

E. However, we have developed the technology to prove their existence only in the last few decades.

F. Direct detection of the visible light from giant planets in space is becoming increasingly possible.

Exoplanets(外行星): The Hunt Is On

Today scientists believe that planets could outnumber the stars. For centuries, scientists and natural philosophers have proposed that stars in the night sky have planetary systems similar to our own solar system. The existence of extrasolar planets, or exoplanets, has long been discussed. 67 Although not the first exoplanet discovery. a planet near a sun-like star was discovered by astronomers in 1995. This kicked off an era of exoplanet hunting, with thousands of discoveries and confirmations following in its wake.

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