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I have many friend,but my best friend is Lily.She is a beautiful girl.She has big eyes and the eyes are black. She is taller than me. She study is very well.Teacher and other students like her.She can go on well with everyone We often share happiness and sorrow.I like study and play with her. I think she is my real friend.




How to lead to success? Different people have different perspectives. Some people believe that success comes from taking risks and chances. While others believe that success is the result of careful planning. What is the key to success in the end ? I think the answer may be not unique, everyone has a special way to success individually.

In my opinion, to be successful should have the following necessary conditions. First of all, yoneed to have sufficient professional knowledge. If yowant to be successful at one aspect, it is certainly indispensable to have solid expertise. As the leaders of sony, Ibuka and Morita, are proficient in electronics technology, and Wang An is proficient in computer knowledge. Secondly, yoshould have a keen insight and innovation spirit. Such as the sony company, without Ibuka’s and Morita’s extraordinary intuitive and their constant innovation, sony cannot produce so many products, which meet the desires of most consumers. Then sony probably will not have today’s enviable status. Furthermore, yohave to do careful planning for the future. When Wang An said about his success, he said that his success is also the result of the decisions he made every stage of their growth. He predicted the future, and specified careful planning. Finally, yomust have the spirit of hard-work and persistent struggle. Any lack of successful examples donot come from the hard-work and dedication. Sony's success is precisely the result of that Ibuka and Morita try their best to sell their products to others and work hard every day.It makes their electronic products world famous. Meanwhile, the road to success will inevitably encounter setbacks, at this time, yoshould be able to withstand the pressure, and to take heart of grace to move forward, then yowill eventually succeed. Of course, there are many other aspects of the success factors. For example, good luck, excellent communication skills, good helpers and so on.

Everybody longs for success. But success can be achieved only through talking about it, it requires real actions. I believe that as long as we have our own clear goals, and continuously work hard, everyone will get good results.


在我看来,要想成功应该具备一下几个必要条件。首先,你要有非常专业的领域知识。如果想在一个方面取得成功,那么坚实的专业知识肯定是少不了的。就像sony的leader Ibuka和Morita精通电子技术,王安精通电脑方面的知识。其次,你要有敏锐的洞察力和开拓创新的精神。就像sony公司一样,如果不是Ibuka和Morita两个人extraordinary intuitive,和他们不断的创新,生产出符合消费者需求的产品,那么sony恐怕不会有今天的令人adulation地位。再次,你必须要对未来做好详细的规划。王安谈及他的成功时说道,他的成功也是他在他们成长的每一步所做的决定的结果。他对未来进行了预测,并指定了详细的计划。最后,你必须要具备吃苦耐劳的精神,坚持不懈的奋斗。任何一个成功的例子之中都缺少不了艰辛的努力和付出。正如sony的Ibuka和Morita,正是因为他们极力地向别人推销他们的产品和日复一日的艰苦努力,才使得sony的电子产品为世人所认识所推崇。同时,在通往成功的路上,难免会遇到挫折,在这个时候,你要能够禁得住压力,勇敢地继续前进,才终将走向成功。当然,取得成功还有很多其他方面的因素。例如好的运气,良好的交流能力,好的帮手等等。



Lin Zhenhua, a graduate of Hefei No. 1 Middle School, scored 671, the highest in the city for the college entrance examination of science students. He was enrolled in University of Science and Technology of China.

Lin was from an ordinary worker's family. His parents are only junior middle school graduates. They seldom watch TV and often encourage him to join in the playing of the violin and practising Chinese calligraphy, which benefits him a great deal. Besides, he lives with his grandparents. The three generations are in harmony and that lays the foundauon for Lin Zhenhua's success.

Another reason for his success is that he has a sense of responsiblhty in addition to an intelligent mind. Once his teacher, Mr. Zhang Keyun, accidentally broke his right arm. He insisted on giving the lecture turning over the book with his left hand. Lin was greatly moved. From this bo came to understand a teacher's sense of responsibility and obligation.

There are two ways to listen to lectures. One is to take notes while listoning. The other is to listen only without taking notes. He writes down the main points in his notebook and reviews them after class or before a teat. Lin Zhenhua says" I never leave today's work for tomorrow."

Maybe that is his key to suecess.








August 4th,20__ Fine

There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world.Without it,life will be empty and meaningless. If yowish to know how to gethappiness,yomust pay attention to the following two points.

First, health is the secret of happiness.Only a strong man can enjoy thepleasure of life.

Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied withhis present condition is always in distress.






Panda  is familiar by more and more people as the development of Internet. Now people  can see the live show from the Internet. These lovely angels are favored by the  fans from all over the world. What they do in the daily life makes people laugh  out loudly. No one can resist the charm from these angels. But it is known to  all that panda is dying out, because it is not easy for them to get birth to the  new babies. What’s more, people damage the environment, which makes panda lose  their home. We can do small things to protect them. When we go to the zoo, we  should not throw away the rubbish and keep quiet, in the purpose of not to  disturb these lovely creature. We love panda, it is our duty to protect them  from dying out.随着互联网的发展,熊猫被越来越多的人所熟悉。现在人们可以从互联网上观看它们的直播。这些可爱的天使们受到了来自世界各地粉丝的喜爱。它们在日常生活中所做的事情让人忍不住大声笑了出来。没有人能抵抗这些天使的魅力。但众所周知,因为熊猫繁殖后代的不易以及人们对环境的破坏使它们失去了家园,它们正面临灭绝的危机。不过我们可以做一些小事去保护他们。当我们去动物园的时候,不乱扔垃圾,保持安静,这样才能做到不去打扰这些可爱的生物。我们喜欢熊猫,保护它们不遭受灭绝是我们的责任。


"Everything happens for the best," my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. "If yocarry on, one day something good will happen. And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that previous disappointment."


Mother was right, as I discovered after graduating from college in 1932. I had decided to try for a job in radio, then work my way up to sports announcer. I hitchhiked to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station - and got turned down every time.


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