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( ) 1.A. sunny B. windy C. rainy D. family

( ) 2. A. river B. eat C. worry D. stay ( ) 3. A. taller B. stronger C. heavy D. longer ( ) 4. A. third B. ninth C. eight D. twelfth

( ) 5. A. angry B. sad C. play D. happy


(  ) 1. After school, we usually play _______soccer for half ______hour on

______sports ground.

A. /; an; the      B. the; a; the       C./; a;/   D. the; an;a

(   ) 2. --Is she a bus driver?  --___________. She is a postwoman.

A. No, she isn't       B. Yes, she is                 

C. No, she is          D. Yes, she isn't

(  )3. Can yohelp my child_______ his science ______Tuesday mornings?

A.in; in           B. with; on           C. for; at      D. with; at

(  ) 4. -- Is this your shoe?--Yes, it is, but where is                    ?

A. the others      B. other one       C. another     D. the other one

(  ) 5. That storybook is very     . The children are ______in it.

A. interesting; interest  B. interest; interested   

C. interesting; interested    D. interested; interesting

 (  ) 6. There                 a ruler and some pencils in the pencil-box.

A. be     B.is     C. are     D. has

(  ) 7. It often rains                  in the summer of Xinxiang.

A. strong        B. big            C. hard               D. heavy

(  ) 8. The basketball ____________ the bed isn't mine.

A. under         B.is under        C.is on          D.is

(  ) 9. Thank you______________ giving me so much help.

A. to    B. for   C. with   D.in

(  ) 10.--What did yodo last night?  --I did my homework and _____TV.

A. watch         B. watched        C. will watch    D. am watching

(  ) 11.The ____ are in the fridge.

A.tomato B.tomatoes C.tomatos D.potato

(  ) 12. But ____ worry. I can help you.

A.isn't B.am not C.doesn't D.don't

(  ) 13.He is ____ a letter.

A.write B.writes C.writing D.writeing

(  ) 14. ____ a holiday, _____ don't go to school.

A.In,child B.In, children

C.On,child D.On,children

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