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大小:0B 3页 发布时间: 2023-12-21 11:16:19 13.52k 12.35k

(  ) 15. Danny ____ tomorrow.()

A.walked to the park B.is going to walk to the park

C.walks to the park D.is walking to the park


(    )1. What’s your favourite shape?   A.How do yodo?

(    )2. How’s the weather ? B. About 1.3 metres tall.

(    )3. When is Children’s Day ? C.I like noodles .

(    )4. Nice to meet you! D. She is my sister.

(     )5. Would yolike some soup? E.I like ping-pong.

(    )6. How do yodo? F. Yes, please.

(    )7. How tall are you? G. Nice to meet you, too!

(    )8. What’s for lunch ? H. June the first.

(    )9. Who’s that girl over there ? I. It’s rainy.

(    )10. What sport do yolike? J. Circle.


1. We ________(have) a good time yesterday.

2. They ________(see) a tiger in the nature park last weekend.

3. My cousin is ________(heavy) than my brother.

4. The elephant ________(run) faster than the panda.

5. She ________(read) a storybook last night.


How  What  Where  Who  When  Why

1. --______are you going? ---We are going after dinner.2. --______do you go to school? ---Take the bus3. --_____are you going to Shanghai by plane? ----Because it is fast.4. --_____are they going to read a magazine?: ---In the library.5. --______are your parents going to visit? ---My grandfather and grandmother.


1.There are some books on the desk.(改为一般疑问句)

________there________books on the desk?

2.The children often play football on the playground. (用现在进行时改写)

The children________________football on the playground.

3.What are yodoing?(用read a book作回答)

I________ ________a book.

4.My birthday is in__March. (就画线部分提问)

________ ________your birthday?

5.Uncle Smith often goes to work at__7:30__am.(就画线部分提问)

________does Uncle Smith often________to work?

七、阅读理解(20分)(一)根据短文,判断正误,对的写“T”, 错的写“F”  

How are yofeeling? Yomissed school last week.Then I heard(听到) from Jason that yofell off from your bike on your way to school last Tuesday.And yohurt your leg.I also heard yostayed in the hospital for several days.I hope(希望) your leg doesn’t hurt too much. Now yoare at home.Yomust be bored(无聊的) staying at home all day.I will go to visit yothis weekend.Do yoneed anything? If yowant,I can bring(拿来) yosome picture books.Everyone in our class misses yoand we all hope yocan get well soon.

Best wishes


( )1. This letter is from Jean.

( )2. Jean is in the hospital now.

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