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( )6.A. to B. in C. on D. for

( )7.A. toyss B. food C. chairs D. clothes

( )8.A. see B. look C. look at D. watch

( )9.A.funny B. wild C. clever D. both A and B

( )10.A.others B. other C. each other D. the other

( 三 )阅读短文。根据短文内容,选择正确答案, 并将每小题字母标号填入题前括号内。(共计5分,每小题1分)

On one summer day last year, I traveled to a city in France in my car. It was late in the afternoon. I had booked a room in the Garden Hotel, but I couldn't find the way to it. When I drove along a street, I saw a beautiful young lady with a lot of bags coming out of the supermarket. I stopped and asked her, "Excuse me, MIss. Can yotell me the way to the Garden Hotel?"

"The Garden Hotel? Certainly. But it may be difficult for yoto find it now. I'll show yothe way if yolike."

"Oh, thank yoso much. Please get into my car." I said.

Then I helped her put the bags into the backseat. About three minutes later, we came to a two-story building. The young lady said, "Please stop here."

I stopped and looked at the building. "But this is not a hotel," I said to her.

"No." she answered with a smile." This is my house.

And now let me show yothe way to the Garden Hotel. Go along the street and take the first turning on the right. Then yowill easily find the Garden Hotel on your left. It's only a two-minute drive from here. And thank yofor driving me home, sir."

Then she took up all the bags and walked to her home.

() 1. What did the writer do that afternoon?

A. He went to meet a young lady B. He tried to look for a hotel.

C. He tried to look for a supermarket. D. He wanted to go home.

() 2. Why did the writer stop his car outside the supermarket?

A. He wanted to help the beautiful young lady.

B. The lady asked him to send her home.

C. He wanted to ask the way.

D. His car was out of gas.

() 3. Why did the lady say “But it may be difficult for yoto find it now. I'll show yothe way if yolike."?

A. She wanted the writer to drive her home. B. The hotel was far.

C. The hotel was in a back street. D. She didn’t know the way at all.

() 4. Where did the writer want to stay that night?

A. In a two-storey building. B. In the house of his friends.

C. In the Garden Hotel. D. In the young lady’s house.

() 5. How long did it take to go by car from the supermarket to the hotel?

A. About five minutes. B. About three minutes.

C. About two minutes. D. About one minute.

( 四 ) 阅读下列节目单,根据节目单内容用英语简要回答下列问题。(共计10分,每小题2分)


18:30Children’s World 18:30 Modern English

19:00 News 19:00 Women’s life

19:30 Around the World 19:30 Culture and Life

20:20 Film: Diary of a Nurse 20:45Volleyball Match: China-America

21:50Message from the Market 22:30 English News

22:20 Modern Arts 22:50English Film: Gone with the wind

23:00 The end 00:30 The End

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