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Live and Die

The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings. To a large extent, the physical form and the habits of the earth's vegetation and its animal life have been molded by the environment. Considering the whole span of earthly time, the opposite effect, in which life actually modifies its surroundings,has been relatively slight. Only in the present century has one species--man acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.

During the past quarter century this power has not only become increasingly great but it has changed in character.The most alarming of all man's assaults upon the environment is the contaminatien of air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials. This pollution is for the most part irrecoverable. In this now universal contamination of the environment, chemicals are the sinister partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world, the very nature of its life.

It took hundreds of millions of years to produce the life that now inhabits the earth. Given time not in years but in millennia life adjusts, and a balance has been reached. But in the modern world there is no time.

It is not my contention that chemical insecticides must never be used. I do contend that we have put poisonous and biologically potent chemicals indiscriminately into the hands of persons largely

or wholly ignorant of their potentials for harm. We have subjected enormous numbers of people to contact with these poisons, without their consent and often without their knowledge. I contend,furthermore, that we have allowed these chemicals to be used with little or no advance investigation of their effect on soil, water, wildlife, and man himself. Future generations are unlikely to forgive our lack of concern for the integrity of the natural world that supports all life.







Friendship is essential for the existence of society. People live in communities and work in co-operation so that they could protect themselves from nature. The successful accomplishment of any task calls for support from many people. It's the friends who are willing to help us. Friendship is a guarantee of harmonious efforts.


In the widest sense, all people are friends. People live in a common society, co-operating and helping each other directly or indirectly all the time. From this respective, anyone could be a friend of others to a certain degree. And it's this kind of friendship that makes society harmonious though competition is universal.


A friend in need is a friend indeed. Unfortunately, people are so complex in the modern society due to various reasons. Sometimes, we don't really know who are our real friends. Adversity is the touchstone of friendship. That is to say, in hard times, it is easy for us to test whether the friendship is ture or not. No matter what happens, a true friend will never leave yoalone and will always be with you.



Everybody has his dream job. I also have my dream job.

I want to be atour guide because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games. There will be many people to come to China from all over the world.

Most of them don’t know Chinese. They want to visit many interesting places in China. I can be one ofthe guides.

I can make much money too. How happy I will be! So from now on Imust study hard. I am going to learn English every day. I will try my best tomake it come true.





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