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( ) 1. A.tie B.pie C.lie

( ) 2. A.call B.tall C.draw

( ) 3. A.what B.wash C.watch

( ) 4. A.need B.read C.meet

( ) 5. A.homework B.housework C.housewife


( ) 1. A.Mum, there's no milk in the fridge.

B.Mum, there's some milk in the fridge.

C.Mum, there's some milk in the bottle.

( ) 2. A.Can yocome and help me with my English?

B.Can yocome and help her with her homework?

C.Can yocome and help me with my Maths?

( ) 3. A.They're showing their things to their friends.

B.They're showing their things to each other.

C.They're showing them to their friends.

( ) 4. A.How do yospend your weekends?

B.How do they spend their weekends?

C.How do we spend our weekends?

( ) 5. A.Put your hands on your neck.

B.Put your hands on your leg.

C.Put your hands on your head.


( ) 1. A.Yes, she does. B.No, she isn't. C.She's my sister.

( ) 2. A.Yes, they are. B.Yes, it is. C.Yes, there are.

( ) 3. A.Watching TV. B.She's watching TV. C.They like watching TV.

( ) 4. A.Yes, yocan. B.Yes, I can. C.Yes, we can.

( ) 5. A.I'm staying in bed. B.I was in Nanjing. C.I'm going to Yangzhou.


( ) 1. A.Jack's ruler is. B.Yang Ling's ruler is. C.I don't know.

( ) 2. A.It's about 530 metres away.

B.It's just about 350 metres away.

C.It's just about 750 metres away.

( ) 3. A.It's black. B.It's brown. C.It's blue.

( ) 4. A.One. B.Two. C.Four.

( ) 5. A.7:45. B.7:55. C.7:50.


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