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( )1. What game did yoplay? A. No, he doesn’t.

( )2. Does he play football every day? B. Yes, we did.

( )3. Is he swimming? C. We played a football game.

( )4. When did yoplay the game? D. No, he isn’t.

( )5. Did yohave fun? E. Last Sunday.


Last year,Hong Kong Disneyland started to open for people to visit.My friend Jack was excited.There are many exciting games in Disneyland and Jack loves games very much.One weekend,he asked me to go to Disneyland with him.But I did not want to go,because I knew there were always too many people in Disneyland at the weekend.At last,Jack went alone. On Sunday evening,I called Jack and he answered the phone.He sounded tired.He said tie had played only two games in Disneyland.He waited for three hours for each game.The line at each game was miles long.I am happy I did not go there.

( )1. Hong Kong Disneyland opened_______.

A.1ast month B.1ast year C.1ast week

( )2. My friend Jack loves_______.

A.Disneyland games B.Disneyland films C.Disneyland toys

( )3. I did not go to Disneyland with Jack because it was_______in Disneyland at the


A.quiet B.crowded C.dirty

( )4.Jack sounded very_______.

A.happy B.bored C.tired

( )5.On Sunday evening,I talked to Jack_______.

A.on the phone B.at his home C.in Disneyland


My net friend(我的网友)

提示词:(1)computer (2)net friend (3) talk with each other(互相交谈)

(4) in the chat room (在聊天室) (5)talk in English (用英语交谈) (6)good now




一、1-5 BCBBA 二.53124三、1-5 BBAAC

四、1.gives present 2. lucky bamboo 3. flute another 4. interesting fantastic 5. copies 6. looking

五、1.A 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B

六、1. I am going to the park with my mother.

What did yodo on your holiday?

There were no computers ten years ago.

Yocan get there by train.

Why do yolike summer?

七、1-5 ACBCA 6-10 CBACC

八、1. Who 2. don’t like 3. Can

4. He always helps me learn English.

5. My friend Tom studies well and everybody likes him.

九、C A D E B

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