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A. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) B. (1) (2) (3) (4)

C. (2) (3) (4) (5) D. (1) (2) (3) (5)

( ) 4. The eclipse happens ___________.

A. once a year B. in the daytime

C. at night D. when the sun and the moon may be just the right distance.

( ) 5. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. The sun, the moon and the earth. B. The eclipse of the sun.

C. The eclipse of the moon D. How to protect your eyes.

D.阅读下面有关饮食习惯的文章, 然后根据文章内容, 在A、B、 C 三个选项中选择一个正确答案。(每一小题1分)

What Food Do Foreigners eat?

When yotravel from one country to another, yofind that people have quite different feeling about food. They often feel that what they eat is good, and what other people eat is strange and silly.

In most parts of Asia, for example, people can’t eat a meal without rice. In England, people eat potatoes every day. In the Middle East, bread is the main part of every meal, Eating, like so many things we do, becomes a habit( 风俗). And it is difficult to change. Americans like to drink a lot of orange juice and coffee. The English drink wine every day. Chinese like to drink green tea or black tea without milk or sugar.

People in different places eat different meat. Horse meat is popular in France. In Hong Kong, some people enjoy eating snakes. In Guangdong, China, some people like to eat mice. New Zealanders eat sheep. But the Japanese don’t like it because of its smell. Japanese like to eat raw fish.

What do yoenjoy eating?

( ) 1. In most parts of Asia, __________ is very important in meals.

A. bread B. cakes C. rice

( ) 2. If yogo from one country to another, yowill find that_________.

people eat different food

people nearly eat the same food

people like to eat all kinds of food

( ) 3. Eating is something which is_____________.

very easy to change

very hard to change

very difficult to learn

( ) 4. English like to have__________ every day.

A. bread B. meat C. potatoes

( ) 5. People in Hong Kong like to eat ________ while people in Guangdong like to eat ________.

A. snakes…mice B. mice…snakes C. sheep… raw fish

五、 根据下列有关话题和简单信息, 完成填空或选择。(15分, 每空1分)

1. Take off my skin, and I won’t cry, but yowill! What am I? _______________

2. If the red house is on the right side, and the blue house is on the left side, where is the White House? In ____________.

4. You’re in Beijing(东八区), and your friend is in Mexico City(西七区) . You’d like to call him at his time 10 p. m. on Wednesday. Yocan call him at__________ in the_________ on________ in Beijing.

5. EZ means____________.

6. Which two words have the most letters? ___________

7. Pandas are from China, Kangaroos are from__________.

8. The Eiffel Tower is in_________, the people in the city are proud of it.

9. On________________ Day people eat turkeys(火鸡) and pumpkins(南瓜).

10. When yosee a clock face in a mirror and the time on it is 2:30, what time is it really? _________

11. One day, a boy finds an ant in a bottle. The ant is climbing up to the mouth of the bottle. When it arrives, it falls down. Then it begins to climb up. Six times in successions(连续) it falls down, six times it begins to climb up again. The goy watches it fall for the seventh time and thinks it will give up (放弃). But it starts to climb up and comes out of the bottle at last. How many times does the ant arrive at the mouth of the bottle? ___________

12. 下面有两组图案, 每组有四个选项, 从每组中选出与其它三个图案不同的一个。

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