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(5)How many computer rooms are there in WYifan's school?



Ⅳ. Listen and choose.(听一段关于John与Sarah 的对话,选择填空。 )(10分)

4.(10分)听一段关于John与Sarah 的对话,选择填空。

John: Hey,Sarah. (1) What's wrong?

Sarah : I had a cold last weekend. (2)

John: I'm sorry to hear that. Do yofeel better now ?

Sarah:Yes,thanks. (3)

John: It was fine.

Sarah: (4)

John: I washed my clothes and helped my mum clean the room.

Sarah: (5)

A.How was your weekend?

B.I stayed at home and slept.

C. Yodon't look well.

D.You're helpful.

E. What did yodo?

V.Read and write.(将语篇中画线单词按字母组合的发音规律归类。 )(10分)


Hi,I'm Mark.I live on a big farm.There are sheep,pigs and cows on the farm.There are many grape trees,peach trees and some other fruit trees.Yocan try these fresh fruits and enjoy your time here. Of course,I can cook some good food for you.This is my farm!Would yolike to come here?


VI.Read and choose.(选择填空。)(10分)

6.(2分)﹣How are you?

﹣I'm 52 kilograms. Now I'm getting than I was before.()

A.heavy; heavier B.old; heavy

C.big; heavier


﹣My nose hurt.()

A.How are you?

B.What happened?

C.How was your holidays?

8.(2分)﹣Did yo badminton yesterday?

﹣Yes , we did.()

A.play B.played the C.play the


﹣He is a coach.()

A.What does he do? B.What's he like?

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