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大小:0B 5页 发布时间: 2024-04-14 08:53:26 13.33k 11.61k

C.Where is he?

10.(2分)Because of the virus(病毒),we _____school two months ago. But now we_____.()

A.can't go to; can B.could went to; could

C.couldn't go to; can

Ⅶ.Read and write.(阅读下面短文,根据内容,完成Tian Xin活动的表格。 )(10分)

11.(10分)阅读下面短文,根据内容,完成Tian Xin活动的表格。

Tian Xin has to stay at home for a long time.She should keep safe and stay away from the new virus(远离新病毒).Yesterday,Tian Xin was busy but very happy.She studied online classes and did homework in the morning.She read a book and went cycling in the afternoon.She drew pictures and washed her clothes in the evening.Today she is going to buy gifts and visit her grandparents.


(1) (2) studied online classes and did homework

Yesterday afternoon(3)

(4) drew pictures and washed her clothes


Ⅷ. Read and choose. (根据此邀请函信息,选择恰当的选项。 )(12分)


INVITATIONDear Sarah,There is going to be a birthday party for me next week.Place: My home Time:Friday 7 p. m.Activities:We are going to eat a birthday cake,candies and fruits. We will play games,draw pictures,sing songs and dance.It will be great fun.I'm looking forward to your coming.Zhang Peng

(1)﹣What is the invitation about? ﹣It's about .

A.a birthday party

B. a farewell party

(2)﹣Who is going to the party? ﹣ .



(3)﹣Where will the party be? ﹣ .

A.At Sarah's home

B.At Zhang Peng's home

(4)﹣When will the party be? ﹣ .

A.At 7 p. m.on Friday

B.At 7 a. m. on Friday

(5)﹣What can we eat at the party? ﹣We can eat .

A.the fish

B.the birthday cake

(6)﹣What will they do at the party?

﹣They will .

A.play games,draw pictures,sing songs and dance

B.play games,draw pictures,sing songs and swim

IX.Read and choose.(阅读对话,判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。 )(10分)

13.(10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的打"√" ,错误的打"×"。

Wu: Come and look at these photos!

Andy: Great ! Look at the old man! Who's he?

Wu: He is Zhong Nanshan(钟南山).He is a great doctor.He's 84 years old.

Andy : Wow! l know him. He is a great man. Who is that woman?

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