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8.【解答】考查动词原形、冠词的用法。由题,助动词后搭配动词原形,B选项played是过去式,不符;play badminton"打羽毛球"是常见短语,表示进行球类运动不搭配冠词。


9.【解答】考查特殊疑问句。根据答语He is a coach他是个教练可知问职业,A他是干什么的?B他长什么样?C他在哪里?A符合题意。


10.【解答】考查动词短语、情态动词。由题,two months ago"两个月前"表明在描述过去的情况,要用动词的过去式构成一般过去时,要使用情态动词can的过去式could的相应形式,情态动词后搭配动词要用原形,即go;now"现在"表明在描述现在的情况,要用情态动词的原形,即can。


Ⅶ.Read and write.(阅读下面短文,根据内容,完成Tian Xin活动的表格。 )(10分)


(1)Tian Xin。由开头语句Tian Xin has to stay at home for a long time.可知人物是Tian Xin。故答案为:Tian Xin。

(2)in the morning。由She studied online classes and didShe drew pictures and washed her clothes in the evening. homework in the morning.可知时间是早上in the morning。故答案为:in the morning。

(3)read a book and went cycling。由She read a book and went cycling in the afternoon. 可知下午读了一本书并在公园里骑自行车read a book and went cycling。故答案为:read a book and went cycling。

(4)in the evening。由She drew pictures and washed her clothes in the evening.可知画画和洗衣服晚上in the evening。故答案为:in the evening。

(5)buy gifts and visit her grandparents。由Today she is going to buy gifts and visit her grandparents.可知今天她要去买礼物和看望她的祖父母。买礼物和看望她的祖父母buy gifts and visit her grandparents。故答案为:buy gifts and visit her grandparents。

Ⅷ. Read and choose. (根据此邀请函信息,选择恰当的选项。 )(12分)


(1)A。由文中关键句There is going to be a birthday party for me next week.可知,这是一个关于生日聚会的邀请函。故选:A。

(2)A。由邀请函的信件开头Dear Sarah,可知,Sarah要来。故选:A。

(3)B。由文中关键句Place: My home可知,派对在张鹏的家中。故选:B。

(4)A。由文中关键句Time:Friday 7 p. m.可知,邀请函在周五的晚上七点举行。故选:A。

(5)B。由文中关键句We are going to eat a birthday cake,可知,他们要吃生日蛋糕。故选:B。

(6)A。由文中关键句We will play games,draw pictures,sing songs and dance.可知,他们会玩游戏,画画,唱歌和跳舞。故选:A。

IX.Read and choose.(阅读对话,判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。 )(10分)


(1)√。根据文中关键句"He is Zhong Nanshan (钟南山) .He is a great doctor."可知钟南山是一位伟大的医生。故答案为:√。

(2)×。根据文中关键句"That is Li Lanjuan.She's a great doctor,too!"可知李岚娟是个好医生。而不是教师。故答案为:×。

(3)√。根据文中关键句"she's so kind. She he1ps them fight the virus."可知护士很和蔼,很乐意帮助病人。故答案为:√。

(4)×。根据文中关键句"He's ill But he still studies."可知那个年轻人病了,但他还在努力学习。而不是不学习。故答案为:×。

(5)√。根据文中关键句"We should learn from him and study hard!"可知我们应该向他学习,努力学习!故答案为:√。

Ⅹ.Look,read and complete.(阅读,根据下面的图片完成短文。 )(8分)


(1)was.由题,句意为"我是很矮且很瘦。",要用be动词搭配形容词short和thin构成"主+系+表"句式;six years ago"六年前"表明在描述过去的状况,要用be动词am的过去式was。故答案为:was。





(6)helping others.由题,John现在还喜欢帮助别人,like"喜欢"后搭配动名词形式。故答案为:helping others。



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