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(1)frog.根据文中"After 11 weeks,a frog with legs …"判断空格处填frog.故答案为:frog.

(2)no tail.根据文中"After 11 weeks,a frog with legs and no tail is coming out from the water."可知11周以后,青蛙没有尾巴了.故答案为:no tail.

(3)coming out.根据文中"After 11 weeks,a frog with legs and no tail is coming out from the water."可知十一周后,一只有腿而没有尾巴的青蛙将从水里出来."故答案为:coming out.

(4)long tail.根据文中"The tadpole has a long tail and lives in the water."可知三周后,蝌蚪有一条长尾巴.故答案为:long tail.

(5)in the water.根据文中"The tadpole has a long tail and lives in the water."可知三周后,蝌蚪有一条长尾巴,生活在水里.故答案为:in the water.

(6)legs.根据文中"The legs keep growing and the tail is much smaller.The tadpole looks frog﹣like."可知腿一直长.故答案为:legs.

(7)growing.根据文中"The legs keep growing and the tail is much smaller.The tadpole looks frog﹣like."可知腿一直长,生长grow.故答案为:growing.

(8)tail.根据文中"The legs keep growing and the tail is much smaller.The tadpole looks frog﹣like."可知蝌蚪在生长过程中,尾巴变的更小.tail尾巴.故答案为:tail.

(9)growing.根据文中"The legs are growing and the tail is becoming smaller."可知这是说蝌蚪的腿在生长,grow生长.故答案为:growing.

(10)becoming smaller.根据文中"The legs are growing and the tail is becoming smaller."可知这里是说蝌蚪的尾巴变的更小.故答案为:becoming smaller.

排序:C→D→B→E→A.根据文章描写的青蛙的一生,可知先是卵eggs,然后变成有尾巴的蝌蚪tadpole,再长成有腿的蝌蚪tadpole with legs,继续生长,尾巴变短,腿变长的幼蛙young frog,最后长成青蛙frog.故答案为:C→D→B→E→A.


Mid﹣Autumn FestivalMonth:September/OctoberWeather:cool and dryActivity(活动):enjoy the beautiful moon,eat mooncakes

(1)The Mid﹣Autumn Festival is in September orOctober.

(2)It'scooland dry in the Mid﹣Autumn Festival.

(3)People usually enjoy the beautifulmoonin the sky.

(4)People caneat mooncakes in this festival.

(5)Can yowrite something about another festival?

(请用3句话描述另一个节日,提示词:the Spring Festival,Children's Day,Labour Day)

(6)The Spring Festival is in January or February.

(7)It's cold and snowy.

(8)People can eat dumplings in the festival.



(2)cool.表格信息Weather:cool and dry可知,天气凉爽干燥,缺少cool.故填:cool.

(3)moon.表格中的信息Activity(活动):enjoy the beautiful moon,eat mooncakes可知,人们欣赏天空中美丽的月亮,缺少moon,故填:moon.

(4)eat.表格中的信息Activity(活动):enjoy the beautiful moon,eat mooncakes可知,人们吃月饼,缺少eat.故填:eat.


(6)The Spring Festival is in January or February.春节一般在一月份或者二月份.即:The Spring Festival is in January or February.故答案为:The Spring Festival is in January or February.

(7)It's cold and snowy.春节期间天气一般下雪,很冷.即:It's cold and snowy.故答案为:It's cold and snowy.

(8)People can eat dumplings in the festival.春节期间人们吃饺子.即:People can eat dumplings in the festival.故答案为:People can eat dumplings in the festival.

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