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A. to do B.does C. do

( )8. Mr Green is________old man.

A.a B.an C. the

( )9. _________,Tom. It’s 7 o’clock.

A. Go to bed B. Get on C. Get up

( )10. Tom usually ________ at seven.

A. have breakfast B. having breakfast C. has breakfast



A. What will yodo there? B. Where are yogoing this weekend?C. Thank you.D. Does your family often go on outing at weekend?E. How are yogoing?

Anne: 1. _____________

Peter: Yes, It’s fun.

Anne: 2. _____________

Peter: We’ll go to the beach.

Anne: 3. _____________

Peter: We’ll go by car.

Anne: 4. _____________

Peter: We’ll go swimming and have a picnic.

Anne: Have a good time!

Peter: 5. _____________

七、阅读AB两篇短文,判断。在与短文意思相符的句子前括号内填T, 不相符的填F。



Mrs Amanda likes to eat meat and cakes very much. So her husband often buys some for her. She doesn’t like sports. She always gets up at about eleven in the morning. So she gets fatter and fatter. Now it’s difficult for her to walk.

One day, she went to see a doctor. The doctor looked over her and said, “There is something wrong with your heart, Mrs Amanda. It’s bad for yoto eat too much sugar(糖) and meat. You’d better eat a piece of bread for each meal(每餐). ”

“That’s easy, doctor.” said Mrs Amanda, “But when should eat it? Before a meal or after a meal?”

( ) 1. Mrs Amanda likes to eat vegetables and fruit very much.

( ) 2. Mrs Amanda doesn’t like sports.

( ) 3. Mrs Amanda always gets up at about seven in the morning.

( ) 4. There is something wrong with Mrs Amanda’s heart.

( ) 5. Mrs Amanda didn’t understand(理解,明白) the doctor.


On the way home, a little horse meets a small river. He is very worried(担心的).“What should I do?” he thinks. Then he meets rabbit.

“Can I cross the river?” the little horse asks.

“Oh, yocan’t. The river is very deep(深的). Yowill drop into the water,” the rabbit says. The little horse cries.

A cow comes to the little horse. “What’s wrong, Little Horse?” I can’t cross this river. It’s very deep,” he answers. “Oh, don’t worry. This river isn’t deep at all. Try!” the cow says. The little horse stops crying. He tries and crosses the river at last.

( ) 1. The little horse meets a river on the way home.

( ) 2. First, the little horse meets a cow.

( ) 3. The rabbit thinks the river is very deep.

( ) 4. The cow says the river is not deep.

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