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( )1.A.waiter B.day C.today D.Monday

( ) 2. A.pear B.bear C.hair D. here

( ) 3. A.thing B.third C.they D.thin

( ) 4. A.buses B.oranges C.clothes D.boxes

( ) 5. A.watched B.played C.cooked D.helped


第一节:单项选择 从各题所给的A、B、C、D项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

( ) 6.—How much is that ring?

--___________only $29.

A.That’s B.They’re C.This’s D.It’s

( ) 7.This dress is__________ than the blue one.

A.more nicer B.more attractive C.pretty D.cheap

( ) 8._________ is my hobby.

A.Playing basketball B.Play basketball

C.Playing piano D.Play the piano

( )9.I want some socks.How much are the blue and white_______?

A.sock B.ones C.that D.one

( )10.Please_______ the exercise books here tomorrow.

bring B. to bring C. take D.to take

( ) 11.My aunt is______her thirties.

A.in B.on C.at D.for

( ) 12.Helen is in Poland. She’s_________ a great time.

A.doing B.having C.making D.liking

( ) 13.What___________________?

A.is the weather like B.does the weather like

C.is the weather liking D.do the weathers like

( ) 14._________ I look at your new watch, please?

A.Am B.Can C.Do D.Must

( ) 15.Linda____ill______ afternoon.

A.is, last B.was, yesterday C.were, last D.is, in



As the time goes on, all kinds of the new inventions comes into our daily life. New machines are_16_ used all over the world. Why are machines so important and necessary(必要的)_17_ us? Because they can_18_ us do things_19_. For example, microwaves can heat water or cook food_20_ we used to.

A washing machine helps us to wash clothes. A printing(印刷 )machine helps us to print a lot of books,newspapers, magazines and many_21_ things_22_. Bicycles, cars, trains and planes are all machines.

They help us to travel faster than_23_foot.

The computer is a wonderful machine. It was invented not long ago. It_24_ stores information but also counts numbers millions of times as fast as a scientist_25_.

Let’s study hard and try to use all kinds of machines to build China into a modern country.

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