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I. 根据独白内容,判断下列句子正误,将T(正确)或F(错误)填入题前的括号内.

( )31.More than 19 million people live in Mexico City today.

( )32.The east and west are covered by the rain forests.

II. 根据独白内容,选择最佳答案,并将代表该答案的字母填在题前的括号内.

( )33.How many states are there in Mexico?

A.30 B.31 C.29

( )34.In Mexico, much of the north is _____________.

A.forests B.mountains C.desert

( )35.Children in Mexico speak ________ and _____________.

A.French;English B.Spanish;English C.Spanish;French

Section Two Reading and Writing (满分10分)


A.They plant the seeds in a greenhouse in spring.

B.They put little plants in the ground and water them.

C.In autumn the pumpkins are big enough and farmers pick them.

D.The seeds grow into little plants.

E.The pumpkins grow very quickly.

F.The flowers grow into little pumpkins.

G.The plants grow bigger and bigger. Yellow flowers begin to grow on the plants.

A—36.( )—37.( )—38.( )—39.( )—40( )—C


( )41.It must be very exciting to travel in Paris.That’s my dream place! I hope to visit all the wonderful places there!

( )42.English is difficult for me.I dream that I can speak English fluently one day. I need a Website to help me with my English.

( )43.I love sports! I am a football fan! I am crazy about it. I always want to know the latest news about some games.

( )44.I want to give Lily,my best friend a big surprise on her birthday.I am going to buy her some special gifts online.

( )45.What kind of movies are my favourite ? Cartoons,of course!I would like to watch all the cartoons by Disney.

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About travelling in China, the weather, the people, the places of interest there…

About all the travelling information in France including the weather ,the places of interest, the hotels….

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