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A. too B.neither C.either

14. I want to buy ________.

A. something eat B.something to eat C.anything to eat

15. —— I'm sorry I can't help you. —— ________.

A. Not at all. B.Yoare welcome. C.It doesn't matter.

16. Mrs. Sun is a friend of _______.

A. Mary's mother B.mother of Mary C.Mary 's mother's

17. There _____ two cups of tea on the table.

A. is B.are C.was

18. There are thirty pupils in our class. _____ of them are young pioneers

A. Any B.Either C.All

19 —— There isn't _____ water here. Could yoget _____ for me —— All right.

A. some, any B.any, any C.any, some

20 —— Yolook so beautiful in this white skirt. —— __________.

A. That's all right B.Thank you. C.Not at all.


1,( )你想知道对方姓名,应说_

A.My name is Han Mel. B. What's your name?C. Hello.

2.( )早上遇见刘老师,应说_

A.Thank you,Mr. Li.B.How?C.Good morning,Mr. Liu.

3.( )别人向你打招呼 Hello!你应说_

A.What's your name?B.Hello!C.Thank you.

4.()假如你叫林峰,当有人问你What's your name?时,你应回答_____.

A.I'm fine,tooB.Nice to meet vonC.My name is Lin Feng.


A.Sit down.please.B.How are you?C.I'm fine,too.


A.Good afternoon. B.What's your name? C.How are you


A.Hi! B。Hello!C.Good night!

8.( )当经介绍后认识某人,你应该说:

A. Good morningB. Please sit down.

C. Thank you.D. Nice to meet you.


A.Please come in.B.Good morningC.Stand up.


A.How old are yoB.How are yoC.How do yodo.

五、 根据对话内容,从多个选项选出五个能填入空白处的最佳选项

A. I’ll go and get it at your home.

B. It’s a very bad line.

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