2:10 two ten or ewo past ten.
4:30 four thirty or half past four.
9:00 nine o’clock or nine.
5:45 five forty-five or a quarter to six.
Step 1:Review
1)Play a game:“The number game”to review number,play with numbers up to ten thousand.
2)Review some phrases:
What day is it?What time is it?
Step 2:Presentation and practice
2.Ask and answer:
1).Who is this?
JennyDannyLi Ming.
2).Where does Jenny live?Canada.
Where does Li Ming live?China.
3)How long is it from September 1 to June 25?
Ss count the months:
October November December
January February…June.
Wow!That’sten months.
3.Teaching“What time is it?”
1)指着自己的手腕处,T:What time is it?(强调连读is it)
S:“It’s______”Explain that we use“o’clock”only on the hour.
T draws a clock on the blackboard.More the hands on the clock as T asks and answer the question.Then get volunteers to answer the question.
2:40two forty
5:10five ten
9:00nine o’clock
6:37six thirty seven
1)Practice in pairs.
2)Ask the volunteers to more the hands on the clock as they ask and answer the question.
4.Teaching“the text”
1)When the students listen to the tape,think over the question:
a.Why does LiMing come to Canada(He wants to learn English)